LiqLock is one of the first lockers compatible with the Uniswap V3 protocol (Pancakeswap V3, etc.), so it doesn’t charge any fees on liquidity! Only a small fixed fee in BNB.
Over the years, lockers have become more and more expensive, more and more restrictive for token creators, and that’s why we are changing that with:
LiqLock compatible with new V3 and classic V2 liquidity pairs
LiqLock charges no liquidity fees, no collect fees, just a fixed fee of $100 (in BNB) at the time of lock!
Refer a liquidity lock on LiqLock earns you 34% of the fees paid for the lock!
The lock fee is $100 in BNB, broken down as follows
LILO is LiqLock’s ERC-20. Its tokenomics are based on the following principles:
October 2, 2023
Launch of LILO, of the first locker (V3 liquidity), and lock of LILO with this locker
October 2023
Deployment of the V2 liquidity locker
November/December 2023
Deployment of the token lockers
Deployment of the lockers for as many protocols as possible, such as NFTs & Deployment of the Launchpad / ICO Locker