The Best Locking Solution on BNB Chain

Easily lock your
Liquidity Token NFT |

LiqLock is one of the first lockers compatible with the Uniswap V3 protocol (Pancakeswap V3, etc.), so it doesn’t charge any fees on liquidity! Only a small fixed fee in BNB.

liqlock safe

Compatible with liquidity of most DEXs


BNB Chain's best locker in every way

Over the years, lockers have become more and more expensive, more and more restrictive for token creators, and that’s why we are changing that with:

Best Interoperability

LiqLock compatible with new V3 and classic V2 liquidity pairs

Best Fees

LiqLock charges no liquidity fees, no collect fees, just a fixed fee of $100 (in BNB) at the time of lock!

Best Referral System

Refer a liquidity lock on LiqLock earns you 34% of the fees paid for the lock!

Breakdown of fees

The lock fee is $100 in BNB, broken down as follows

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How does our LILO token work?

LILO is LiqLock’s ERC-20. Its tokenomics are based on the following principles:


Terms of Service (ToS)

© 2023 LiqLock